Snaffle Bits

Antique Offset Dee with Silver 

Curved Mouth

Weighted Dees

Eggbutt with Spots & Silver

Copper Inlay Mouth

Large Twisted Western Dee

Sweet Iron mouth

Bradoon Snaffle

Sweet Iron mouth

Eggbutt with Spots

Copper mouth

Ring Snaffle

Black Satin mouth

Eggbutt Snaffle

Stainless Steel

Slow Twist Offset Dee

Western Dee

Sweet Iron mouth

Full Cheek Snaffle

Copper mouth

Ring Snaffle

​Smooth & Twisted

Large Twisted Ring Snaffle

Sweet Iron mouth

   Reichert Saddlery & Farm Supply, LLC.

Leonard, MN

Call or email for prices or to place an order


Racing Dee

Copper mouth